Dear Employers,

Let's talk about layoffs. Nobody likes them, but sometimes they're unavoidable. If you find

yourself needing to downsize, remember: the way you handle layoffs can significantly impact

your company's reputation and the lives of those affected. Here’s how you can manage this

tough situation without being an asshole.

1. Communicate Clearly and Early

Honesty is non-negotiable. Don't blindside your employees. Give them a heads-up as soon as

possible. This doesn’t just mean a day before (or upon swiping their badges only to find they

didn’t work) —provide a clear timeline and reasons for the layoffs. Keeping everyone in the loop

reduces anxiety and shows you respect them enough to keep them informed.

2. Be Empathetic

Put yourself in their shoes. This isn't just about losing a paycheck—it's about losing security,

routine, and a sense of community. When you announce the layoffs, do it with compassion.

Avoid cold, templated speeches. Personalize your communication, acknowledge the pain, and

express genuine regret. And for God’s sake, sign your name to the email, if you must lay off via

email. Better yet, man up and do it in person.

3. Provide Support

Offer resources to help your soon-to-be former employees transition. This can include

severance pay, extended healthcare benefits, and outplacement services. Job placement

assistance and resume workshops can make a big difference. Remember, the goal is to help

them land on their feet.

4. Handle the Logistics Sensitively

The logistics of a layoff, from handing in badges to clearing out desks, can feel dehumanizing.

Handle these details sensitively. Allow people to leave with dignity. If possible, schedule the

actual departure in private, giving people space to process and react away from the eyes of their


5. Follow Up

Once the layoffs occur, don't just wash your hands of it. Check in on your former employees. An

email, a call, or a LinkedIn message can go a long way. If there are new job openings or

opportunities, let them know. Continuing care shows that your empathy wasn’t just for show.6. Learn and Adapt

Reflect on the necessity of the layoffs and what led to them. Could better planning have avoided

this situation? What changes can you implement to prevent future layoffs? Learning from this

experience can lead to better management practices that protect both your business and its


Why This Matters

How you handle layoffs speaks volumes about your business ethics and leadership style.

People remember the way they’re treated during tough times. A compassionate approach can

maintain morale, safeguard your reputation, and even encourage former employees to return if

circumstances change.

Layoffs are a tough reality of business, but they don't have to be brutal. By handling these

situations with care, dignity, and respect, you can ensure that everyone moves forward with their

heads held high. Remember, being kind doesn't cost much, but it means everything to those on

the receiving end. Let's be leaders who lead with heart.

It’s all about character

Remember, while layoffs might be part of business, compassion should be part of leadership.

How you say goodbye in tough times can define your company’s character just as much as how

you say hello in the good times.